Hill Climbing

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Re: Hill Climbing

Postby stevew » Fri Sep 05, 2014 9:46 pm

Yes. It's looking more and more like a hydraulic problem. I'm only getting 3-4mm on movement. It's the verto clutch so not much movement, but I think it should be more. How much does it move on others cars??? There's no external leaks, so could it be internal???
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Re: Hill Climbing

Postby Rich » Fri Sep 05, 2014 9:49 pm

Can't help you there I'm afraid, mines on a cable. The flexi isn't balooning is it?
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Re: Hill Climbing

Postby stevew » Fri Sep 05, 2014 9:51 pm

I wish it was and then I'd have found something to fix. Wish I had cable clutch.
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Re: Hill Climbing

Postby Rich » Fri Sep 05, 2014 10:04 pm

They come with their own problems, I got quite used to shifting without the clutch at one point. I assume you don't have spare master/slave cylinders to try?
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Re: Hill Climbing

Postby benofbrum » Fri Sep 05, 2014 11:39 pm

I had it happen on a Midas I was driving home, having just bought it. The slave cylinder was shot. I did most of the last 10 miles in 3rd gear or clutchless changes. Took me back to my non-synchro bus driving days
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Re: Hill Climbing

Postby kelvink » Sat Sep 06, 2014 1:36 am

Yep I remember doing clutchless gear changes in various A Series engined cars before too, got quite good at it and used to keep practising it as it was a skill worth having up your sleeve....

Have a look at the clutch arm itself. (Verto is short, pre verto is long in this photo) I seem to recall that developing a fatigue crack one of the times with a similar situation you're describing.


Dim and distant memories, funny how you wake up in the middle of the night remembering things. Hope you've managed to find out what the problem is. Let us know how it's going and if you are going to make it or not.
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Re: Hill Climbing

Postby Rich » Sat Sep 06, 2014 9:08 am

Fingers crossed the three of us will meet at Wiscombe today.
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Re: Hill Climbing

Postby kelvink » Sun Sep 07, 2014 7:16 am

Good to see 4 Midas owners no less at this event and well done Steve for getting the clutch sorted in time for practice sessions on Saturday!


More photos later on this evening but I've got to walk the hound now and then another quick sprint in another Midas Convoy to Rare Breeds at Sparkford Haynes Auto Museum.

I'm making up for lost time and getting out and about in a road legal Midas :D
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Re: Hill Climbing

Postby Rich » Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:07 pm

My pics from practice on Saturday.





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Re: Hill Climbing

Postby stevew » Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:29 am

What a fantastic weekend! Kelvin, Rich and Alistair it great to meet you and talk Midases & motorsport - I've learnt lots and the chats have sparked many ideas. For those wondering the clutch problem was air in the clutches hydraulic system; despite bleeding it at the start of the week and mid-week the Metro system has a damper which I've now learnt as it deteriorates it is known to leak air into the system - its days are numbered :evil: . After Saturday's racing, Sunday went even better and post the discussions on Saturday made some more adjustments to both the car & myself and improved my time further ending on a 56.65 :D which I'm pleased with after starting Saturday with a 59.81. Plan for the winter is to strip & rebuild the suspension (shocks shot - bumpstops trashed, and lots of odd knocking noises), look at a mega-jolt system, get a second set of alloys to put some racing tyres on and book a session on a rolling road to set-up; sounds like a lot, but all things that can be done a bit at a time without taking the car off the road for a long period.
You don't need to have a fully sorted car to go out and have a great time, and hillclimbing is an incredibly social form of motorsport (everyone in the paddock was friendly and helpful, and had many people come across interested in the Midas) and it doesn't break the bank so if at all interested go and watch an event, and even better enter your Midas the road going classes - they are ideal. You'll love it and your Midas will too! :D
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