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PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 5:01 pm
by Tom
Hi to all,

My name is Tom Berkouwer and I live in Holland. Haven driven and maintained Mini's throuhout my youth, I'm now restauring a Bronze Mk 2 and in the process of fitting the glass, interiour and electrics.
Due to a busy schedule the restauration has taken some time already and I'm afraid will take some more time.

I am still looking for some parts: I could use a rear section (no dampener) of the exhaust system and a front screen rubber.

I know that Charlie Dodd is a great source for parts and have bought from him in the past. Anyone outthere able to help me with an exhaust section.
Could we start by having a group that wants to order a production run as done with the heated screens?

Look forward receiving some reactions.

Enjoy the holidays and a great start in 2009


Tom B.

Re: introduction

PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 5:42 pm
by manifold
Hello Tom,

Welcome to the forum.

I found that I could use a windscreen rubber from Woolies Trim that would do the job. Not quite the same as the Reliant one, but close enough.

Check with their catalogue and match it up from the silloutte. Its the one without the extra flap as per midas. Wider interface to suit GRP layup.

I dont think the Reliant one is available any more. I understand Charlie craftily bought up all their remaining supplies when they went under. I am unsure whether he has any left over. He may have.

Re: introduction

PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 9:21 pm
by Geoff Butcher
I had a rubber from Charlie but the fitters couldn't use it because it was too stiff, so the old one had to go back.