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Megajolt or Megasquirt?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:40 am
by DavidL
I'm keen on the idea of going distributorless and recent hints of a possible 55mpg using Megajolt and an SU HIF44 on a modified 1275 has had me thinking about this again. Someone here (sorry, can't remember who it was) recommended I go straight for Megasquirt, but to be honest, if I go for FI it will not be in the near future.

With this in mind, I've been searching eBay and just found this...
- then noticed the same seller is also offering this...

This poses a bit of a dilemma. Which to go for? Anyone willing to offer me advice on which I should bid for? The two auctions finish a mere 9 minutes apart, the Megajolt one finishes first.

Can the Megasquirt be configured just to control ignition, and if so, in ignition-only mode, does the programming needed differ between the two? Will a Megajolt map work on a Megasquirt and vice versa? Apologies if I'm asking a stupid question.

Re: Megajolt or Megasquirt?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 9:10 am
by manifold
If I had a choice between a Megajolt or Megasquirt I would go for the Megasquirt every time. In particular, a Megasquirt 2 or 3. I have had both 'Jolt and 'Squirt. Megasquirt does same as Megajolt however is better supported and allows you to wet fuel inject your Midas at a later date so has more flexibility. If I remember rightly an MS1 can be updated to an MS2 or 3 depending on which board your using.

Historically I believe a Megajolt was a branch off the Megasquirt development cycle.

That's my honest opinion.

Re: Megajolt or Megasquirt?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:17 pm
by apbellamy
Megajolt is very good if you just want mapped ignition and have no plans to go further down the engine management route.

Another advantage of the megasquirt is that it drives the coil pack directly, so no need for the sometimes unreliable (and increasingly difficult to get at a reasonable price these days) EDIS unit.

I don't think megajolt maps will import directly into megasquirt, but it's only numbers in a table so won't take much time to input them manually.