Midas Register or Index

Please feel free to post details of your car: History of Owners (if known), Specification, Registration number, Factory, Chassis number, Current location etc here.

It would be really interesting to gather information on how many cars still live and how many that have sadly gone to Midas Heaven (A brief account of its demise would be useful to document too).

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Midas Register or Index

Postby coh1952 » Wed Dec 23, 2015 10:54 pm

Some time ago, a register of Midases was published on www.kitcarclubs.org.uk (which url no longer opens).
I have a copy with the documentation that I received from Peter Foss.
Has anyone kept this or similar up, or does declaring my interest now make me the de-facto Midas Registrar?
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Re: Midas Register or Index

Postby Geoff Butcher » Thu Dec 24, 2015 9:13 pm

Congratulations on your new appointment! 8-)
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Re: Midas Register or Index

Postby Inim666 » Sat Dec 26, 2015 12:14 am

It would be great to know how many are still around
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Re: Midas Register or Index

Postby Jvr19630 » Sun Dec 27, 2015 1:22 pm

Yes, it would be interesting to know numbers
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Re: Midas Register or Index

Postby FlossyThePig » Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:35 pm

Just to let you know I have sent Alistair a list of Midas cars that I collated for the original club website. Over 350 cars on the list.

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Re: Midas Register or Index

Postby coh1952 » Fri Jul 07, 2017 3:08 pm

Thanks to all who have sent information.
I have a re-constructed Model Register, still in work: it grows every day!
For everyone's information, here is a summary of what I know at the moment:
Mark 1s: registered 37 vehicles (estimated 69 made)
Mark 2s: 184 (of which 3 Midtec) (estimated 278 (of which 2 Midtec!))
Mark 3s: 81 (124)
Mark 4s: 33 (31!)
Total: 465 (679)

As you see, there are still a few anomalies to sort out!
I will always be pleased to learn your vehicles (past and present) details and history.
I am recording:
Chassis number; VIN number (sometimes it is different);
Registration number
Colour (now and ex-factory)
Date of leaving factory
Date of first registration
Owners' names

Information may be sent to

I hope that the full model register will in the near future be available on the Midas Owners Club section of this forum.
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Re: Midas Register or Index

Postby coh1952 » Sat Feb 19, 2022 9:33 pm

Update February 2022:
Mark 1: possible number of kits made : 69; Number of cars on our Model Register : 38
Mark 2: 276 ; 197
Midtec Bronze: 2 ; 0
Mark 3 Coupe: 177 ; 133
Mark 3 Convertible: 124 ; 95
Cortez: 20; 23
Excelsior: 10; 11
TOTAL: 678; 498
As you can see, there are some anomalies, e.g. double entries due to missing information, or registration mark changes, or rebuilt shells using the same chassis number as one written off.
Unknown chassis numbers but known completed car: 92
Unknown VINs: 430

Very few cars on the model register have a date of leaving factory.
The DVLA record is next to useless - it is the date that the registration mark was first issued (although earlier V5s had a Year of Manufacture note).
I would be grateful for any detailed information so that I can include it in the Model Register.
I am trying to align Chassis number (not always the same as the V5 VIN), registration mark, date of leaving factory, date first on road. Plus any other useful stuff.
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Re: Midas Register or Index

Postby coh1952 » Fri Apr 14, 2023 8:15 pm

I am updating the register of cars.
The information I am looking for is
Chassis number
Vehicle registration
Date of leaving factory (this is perhaps the most important piece of data)
Date of first registration
Colour now
Colour leaving factory
Engine type and size
Current status (e.g. show condition, on the road, under restoration, under a tarpaulen)
Interesting historical facts.
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