if it helps anyone i have been looking at forced induction for some time
i first looked at turbos and decided that the standard metro unit will not fit without serious mods so that went out the window. I did manage to aquire a janspeed Metro turbo setup which would have fitted but it was a bit beyond repair so i gave that idea up even though it would have worked and sold it on on e-bay.
Next i became convinced that the eaton supercharger was the way forward so i spent three years collecting parts to do this to my mark two but there are a number of problems to overcome, the biggest is where you put the carb and there are 3 options. 1st you can put it where the mini boys do down the front of the engine but i discounted that as the hif44 is too tall and would require cutting the front of the car and the bonnet 2nd you can put it behind the supercharger with a 180 degree bend but this has to be fabricated and is still quite tight (this is what i did in the end) third option was to put it on a straight pipe or use the webber manifold that vmax scart supplies and use a pedal box to they can sit where the master cylinders go, i liked this option but the cost was high £500 for the pedal box and £150 for the webber manifold.
Whatever you do the supercharger will allways foul the bonnet so you have to introduce a bonnet bulge and a substantial one at that to clear it.
again people think that supercharger means huge power, it does not! the amount of money you have to spend to get the engine to produce much above 120bhp is enormous, anyone who thinks they can just bolt on a supercharger with the steel sandwich plate to get the right compression is kidding themselves, you might get 20bhp increase this way if you are very lucky and you will still run the risk of killing the engine to get a reliable high output costs a lot of money with many necessary mods and a propper 8:1 compression ratio you need forged dished pistons, big chamber head and remember a standard 1275 might get 12psi boost which will bring it close to detonation with standard pulleys but a sorted engine up to 1380 will need pulley experimentation as the standard ones run at about 6 psi on a sorted ported engine. this means you really have to go megga jolt to get the ignition right and stop detonation too of not intercooling, where do you stop?
i spent 3 years pawing over articles trawling the internet and working out what i needed to do and in the end i have decided to give up on this route and go the Vtec route which believe it or not is far easier to set up, ok you have to cut the lights off but so what you can run the engine standard for at least 180+ bhp mile after mile. the supercharged mini engine is not easy to set up properly and suffers from reliability unless you spend fortunes.