Author Archive for admin

Events insurance

Midas at Castle Combe circuit

Just to clarify following an enquiry – the club’s Public Liability Insurance covers our attendance or presence at an event. It does NOT cover individual members participating in anything competitive, not even demonstration runs, welly throwing, bouncy castle or anything vaguely similar. Members MUST arrange their own insurance for anything of that nature. If in doubt, please ask.



MOC Gallery – We need YOU!

As mentioned on The Midas Forum, the gallery has been changed somewhat, we now have a ‘Midas Family’ folder, and a ‘Members Cars’ section that I would like to flesh out!

This post is a request for photos of YOUR Midas.

For the Midas Family folder, I would like 3 photos of your car, showing the front, side and back. These don’t have to be square on, just to get a general overview of your car externally.
It is also preferable if you can provide the chassis number such that I can tag your photos with it.

For the Members Cars section, please send me as many photos as you please – I don’t need everything and anything, take a look at James’ and Hans’ as examples.
I can add a description to your folder, or to individual images if you wish, but I doubt we will have that many views via the gallery, and may make a request in the future for more information with regards to your car to populate a blog page or mini-article.

For all images the higher-res the better!

You can email all photos direct to my mail box:

Discuss this article.

Joint magazine, material required!

We are running short of material for the next and subsequent mags.    Please members – let us have something, visits made, rebuild hints, events attended, pictures of your cat or anything which you would like to see in print.     All contributions gratefully received – contact Roger, Michael or any committee member.  Thanks in advance.

New MOC website!

Welcome to the new and improved Midas Owners Club website!

Everything’s the same (or not) so take a look around.

Please let me know if you find anything broken or bugged by emailing me.