Membership Form 2020 as .PDF
1. Free first year’s Club membership on buying a Midas from Alternative Cars Ltd.
2. Family membership (up to two members sharing the same address pay only one subscription charge see club constitution about voting rights)
3. New members receive a ‘Membership Joining Pack’, including membership card (renewed annually), back issues of newsletters and magazines, notes on history of the Midas and details of club discounts
4. Participate in the running of the club by attending the Annual AGM (usually held at the Factory Open Day) and open committee meetings
5. Stand for election to the Club Committee. The Club is run by members for members
6. Enter your Midas in competitions held at the AGM. Help the Club and as a member you could receive ‘The Founder’s Cup’ (awarded annually at the AGM to the member outside the Committee who contributes most to the running of the Club)
7. Make contact with other Club members. Organise your own event for the Club with other Club members and receive help from the Club
8. Enjoy the opportunity of meeting other members and showing your Midas in the Club area at nominated kit car shows and other events
9. Meet other Club members at social events/meetings organised by the Club
10. Receive copies of ‘That Golden Touch’ (TGT) magazine and the Club Newsletter and enjoy the opportunity to contribute to both publications
11. Advertise free for spares and car sales/wants in the Newsletter and TGT.
12. Receive free advice and assistance on buying, maintaining and valuing your Midas, including recommended Midas spares and car service
13. Receive a discount on your Midas car insurance premium with Footman James or Adrian Flux (just quote your membership number – the discount is typically 10%, but could be higher)
14. Receive a discount on Midas parts from Alternative Cars Ltd, oils and lubricants from Opie Oils and wheels from Compomotive wheels – see links page
15. Club accessories (gear knobs, key fobs, clothing, etc) can be purchased by Members
16. Receive Club Gifts from time to time e.g. the Club calendar
Membership Form 2020 as .PDF