Haynes Rare Breeds Show

September 6, 2015 all-day
Haynes International Motor Museum
Yeovil, Yeovil, Somerset BA22 7LH
Free - register in advance
Caroline Coombes
01963 440 804

This is rapidly becoming too popular with Midas Owners Club members.  Last year we had eight cars there. If we get many more they may not believe us that the Midas is a rare breed!

But don’t let that stop you applying for a free entry from the Haynes Motor Museum:  http://www.haynesmotormuseum.com/events/2459-9700/rare-breeds-motor-show.php

You get free entry to the museum giving you the chance to view some rare cars inside and some even rarer ones outside. Not to mention the excellent bacon butties in the morning and cream teas in the afternoon.

Well worth the trip down to Somerset for those alone.

Last year they were still accepting entries in the week before the show and even managed to group all the Midas owners together, despite a couple registering at the eleventh hour.

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