Minutes of Midas Owners Club AGM at Stoneleigh May 4 2014

Minutes of Midas Owners Club AGM at Stoneleigh, May 4 2014

The 2014 Annual General Meeting of the Midas Owners Club took place on Sunday 4th May at the Stoneleigh Kit Car Show. The meeting was well attended and operated objectively. Officers present were Josie Horsley – Hon Chairman; Tony Moss – Hon Secretary; Michael Horsley – Hon Treasurer and Kelvin Kincaid – Hon Membership Secretary elect.

There were no matters arising from the previous year’s deliberations, thus those minutes were accepted. The officers’ reports were then presented, with:

  • a review of forthcoming activities, including Open Day on July 13; attendance at Haynes Rare Breeds, September 7; similarly attendance at events such as the new Malvern Show and Mini World Action Day. Keeping an eye on the club website and the forum for details is worthwhile.
  • a statement of the club’s presently comfortable but not wealthy financial position of £5200 in the bank and expected immediate outgoings of about £450 to cover the AGM gathering and the latest joint magazine share. The bank sum will fall through the year as routine expenditure, notably the magazine, arises. The main income is of course membership subscriptions but other income streams are always explored whilst the main outgoing is the joint magazine (see also later) and the events arranged and / or attended and their associated insurance. Full financial details are available from the Hon Treasurer as always.
  • A statement of the membership numbers which, at the time of the meeting, totalled 87. Whilst it would be good to have more, this numbers ensure current viability with the ability to maintain the present subscription level for next year at least

In respect of membership encouragement, points raised included:

  • the suggestion that, as cars are sold, membership could follow the car. However, there is always the possibility that a selling member could still be a club member and should not be deprived of club privileges.
  • this led to the reminder that selling members should encourage purchasers to join the club.
  • in turn this renewed the idea of a reduced first year subscription for new members. After a discussion including financial analysis, this level was set at £15.
  • across the board of membership, it is important to remind all of the discounts available to members and the clear benefit to their subscription, with insurance discount being prominent.

Continuing through the agenda, it was decided to present the current club constitution in the next joint magazine so that members could have the opportunity to suggest any relevant amendments. These would have to be ratified at the next AGM unless of such importance that an Extraordinary General Meeting would need to be called.

The election of officers followed, with above incumbents being re-elected and Kelvin Kincaid’s position as Membership Secretary being confirmed.

The Joint Magazine (with the Mini Marcos Owners’Club) was discussed, especially in the vein of encouraging more members to contribute something on a very wide front of topic possibilities. The magazine has been a considerable success but it needs more contributors to add variety to the contents and thus maintain interest. The Club Thanked Roger Garland for his work with the magazine, which represents much effort. The pursuit of competitive quotes for the printing work has reduced the Club’s outlay significantly, the suggestion being that this reduction is equivalent to the income from twenty new members!

Forthcoming events were listed, as has been publicised but this list was not exclusive in any fashion, members being encouraged to present others which may be of interest. The Hon Secretary works hard to get concessionary tickets for event and members are reminded that these are limited in number and thus available on a first come, first served basis.

The prize giving concluded the main proceedings with Meredith Phillips winning Best Midas, Alistair Courtney being very close runner-up after an engine bay examination by senior judge Mike Perkins; Alberto Venegas won the Longest Distance Travelled trophy. Thanks were offered to Mike for his judging and for taking the photos of the presentations.

With the barbecue scent becoming stronger by the minute, the Chairman called for Any Other Business beyond topics already aired. None such arose, so Chairman closed the meeting at approximately 14-30.


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